Customer Testimonials


Here is what people are saying about NorthPro Video...


"We had quite a few comments on how much everyone liked you."

-- Gina & Pete K


"Just watched the DVD. WE LOVE IT! You did a fantastic job and the quality is great. Thank you and I sure hope you can do it next year."

-- Dana M


"You were the only one for our project because we knew if anyone could do it, you could."

-- Ruth L


"Everyone has loved what they've seen. I can't tell you how much your time and care has meant to us with this project. When you go into something like this it makes it a lot easier when you have someone who you can trust and depend on taking care of it. I knew when I first met you that I made the right decision coming to you."

-- Barb S


"I've been watching and re-watching the DVD…I've also shown it to others. You've done a great job on this and I think our entire district will benefit from your efforts. Holy Smoke!"

-- Roger E


"Keep up the great work!"

-- Jan B


"Thank you for doing such a great job on our wedding video. We have watched it many times with our family and friends."

-- Amandy & Ryan


"Awesome job on the video, you were everywhere and we never saw you! Thanks for making our day last forever."

-- Kris & Zach


"This is the most complete muskie fishing video I've ever watched and can't wait for the rest of the series to come out."

-- John Piotrowski, Chicago, IL


"Your marketing disc for the Canada trips is like a movie in itself! I've watched it several times and can't wait for my trip this summer!"

-- Michael Tibbets, Medina, MN


"Your media advice was right on target. My management staff no longer has to draw straws to see who's going to represent us in front of the media. Your plan to simplify what we were doing went in place the next day and was put to the test a week later. Thank you!"

-- John Warren, LaCrosse, WI


"Our wedding video was excellent! She cried through the entire thing, even the funny parts. Thank you very much! "

-- Donna & Michael


Let NorthPro Video help you with your all your video needs. Contact us today to learn what we can do for you!

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